Pacific Basin CFO resigns


Michael Tonnes Jorgensen will resign as CFO and executive committee member of Pacific Basin by 31 October 2024, for personal reasons.

Pacific Basin CFO resigns
Archive © Shutterstock

The Board of Directors of Pacific Basin Shipping Limited has announced that Michael Tonnes Jorgensen has given notice that he will resign his position as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and a member of the executive committee of the company.

Jorgensen is leaving the company for personal and family reasons and he will step down from the above roles by 31 October 2024.

Jorgensen confirms that he has no disagreement with the Board and he is not aware of any matter which needs to be brought to the attention of holders of securities of the company in respect of his resignation.

The Board has instructed the senior management to commence the search for Jorgensen’s successor and further announcements will be made by the company under the relevant requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

Martin Fruergaard, the Pacific Basin CEO, will assume the interim duties and responsibilities of the CFO until a new CFO is appointed.

Pacific Basin, headquartered in Hong Kong, operates primarily Handysize and Supramax dry bulk ships. The company has a fleet of more than 280 ships, including both owned and chartered vessels.