
New Nemag grab


Nemag has developed a new grab for iron ore handling that is claimed to offer 10% higher productivity than all comparable clamshell grabs. T...

Chip off the block


European governments are stimulating, even subsidising, energy generation using biomass. However, the continent still has relatively few loc...

Grabbing at straws


With a static market for traditional commodities, biomass handling could offer a new source of new equipment orders but debate is ongoing as...

Grabbing at market openings


In a market that already is tight and highly competitive, independent grab manufacturers could face a decline in demand as hydraulic armtype...

Grabs grab greater sales


Rising commodity prices and volumes traded are leading to port congestion and increased demurrage at a time of rapidly increasing freight ra...

Grabs at the cutting edge


Essentially a grab is a puppet. It is a mechanical device supported and controlled by an operator through the ropes. The basic design has no...

Nemag’s talking grabs


Grab manufacturer Nemag, which is currently celebrating its 80th anniversary, has developed a unique grab performance monitoring system in w...
