
New name for Techint


Techint Technologies, global supplier of advanced technologies, products and services for the metal and mining industries, has taken the str...

Key Savona accord points the way


A new agreement has been signed that paves the way for new dry bulk handling arrangements in the Port of Savona. The changes centre on the S...

Techint signs ENEL deals


ENELpower, the Italian energy producer, has specified Techint Technologies for a turnkey contract covering two CSUs, each rated at 1500 tph ...

Brazilian boom for Techint


After receiving an order for an 8000 tph shiploader from the Brazilian mining group Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) earlier this year (see...

Techint looks to grow


Italian engineering companies have traditionally enjoyed a strong market presence in South America, and Techint Technologies, part of the It...

Techint for CVRD


Techint Technologies, in consortium with the Brazilian manufacturer Confab, also part of Techint Group, is to supply a new shiploader for Ci...

Sorting out stacker selection


Determining which type of stacker/reclaimer to select is governed by five key criteria: available space; the throughput and peak capacity re...

Rail cars going to the dump


Car handling equipment is traditionally built to last so demand is limited particularly when bulk haul business is static. Nevertheless ther...

Making it big in Brazil again


Techint Technologies reports a number of important new orders and projects, partly as a result of the successful incorporation of Confab, th...
