
Slowly down the Ganges


India aims to breathe new life into its extensive inland waterways as cost-effective arteries for the transport of bulk cargo....

Bauxite barging underway


A new transhipment barge and associated port facilities are now in service on Queensland’s Cape York, opening up exports for two new bauxi...

BMT wins Nicaragua Canal role


The controversial US$50B Nicaragua landbridge project has taken a step forward with the appointment of BMT Asia Pacific and BMT ARGOSS....

Barge deal for BC mining project


Lynden Logistics LLC has signed a letter of intent with Chieftain Metals Corp. to provide barge services for the construction and production...

Imperial and Dettmer break up


Imperial Shipping Holding of Duisburg and Reederei B Dettmer of Bremen have agreed to end their cooperation in the dry bulk inland shipping ...

New ships for Fednav


Canada's largest international dry bulk carrier has ordered six new bulkers in Japan for its Great Lakes/Seaway-global routes...
