
Bedeschi shiploader to Turkey


Sönmez Cimento has contracted Italy’s Bedeschi to undertake a supply contract for shiploading facilities at a new clinker and cement expo...

Bedeschi plant for Blue Dolphin


Dimisa Mexico has contracted Italy’s Bedeschi to undertake a supply contract for the Blue Dolphin Power Plant expansion project located in...

Bedeschi in Cyprus


Vassiliko Cement Plant in Cyprus recently awarded a contract to Italy-based Bedeschi to equip a new clinker export terminal at Vassiliko por...

In search of Italian miracles


While huge efforts are needed to reinvigorate the eurozone’s third largest economy, there are some successes among Italian firms involved ...

Bedeschi acquires Bulk Group


Padua, Italy-based Bedeschi SpA has announced the asset purchase of the Bulk Group of Dearborn Mid-West Conveyor Co, a provider of turnkey b...

Bedeschi wins Brazilian contract


Italy-based Bedeschi had been selected to undertake the Primavera Project, a limestone storage facility for Votorantim Cimentos in Brazil....

Bedeschi wins Brazil contract


Italy-based Bedeschi had been selected to undertake the Primavera Project, a limestone storage facility for Votorantim Cimentos in Brazil. T...

Gas filtration moves along


Sonic Wave Acceleration Pulse technology is helping to increase the lifetime of bag filters while also reducing energy consumption....

Banking on offshore transfers


The offshore transhipment industry has developed significantly over the past two decades since Coeclerici first commissioned BULK TRIEST....

Coal changes in Italy


The Italian coal industry has witnessed a signifi cant change of ownership. Antonio Barone has pulled out of Italiana Coke and TRI Terminal ...
